Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Portland, Oregon in the Holiday Seasons

While sitting behind a computer part of the day, working, getting eye strain and wanting to be mind wandered to the stormy weather we have been having. Thunder and lightning... with bouts of sunshine peeking through the clouds and downpours.
It used to be a tradition with my younger boys when we lived near Tigard, Oregon.. while I worked and attended college; to drop everything and have a fun adventure day in Portland during the Autumn season. We would park in the Beaverton area near the main Light rail terminal and jump aboard for some spontaneous fun. We would sometimes "surf ride" in the isle or stand in the connecting part of the cars for a 'twistier' ride. You learn to make your own fun with simple things~ My son Jess learned and mimicked the announcements on the overhead...including the Spanish parts!
Sometimes we would get off in the tunnels and go hit the Zoo for a couple hours, then back on the Rail to find fun in Pioneer square. A lot of the times they will have canopies set up with some kind of event going on. We would make our way to the Pioneer mall after hitting the ice cream parlor ( or the specialty candy store...depending on the mood). Around that time the city would have decorated their tree lined streets with tiny white lights...such a warm  magical ambiance it would bring.
We always, hit the Light rail and meandered to the Chinese district so I could stock up on oriental soaps, sticks, and trinkets for the kids. The shop owners were so entertaining to converse with.
Back on the rail, as we headed to the Lloyd center Mall. Three stories of shops and a nice ice skating rink in the middle. I tried once to skate-it didn't turn out well. But at least I tried! My boys favorite store at that time was the Halloween Costume shop. My family is full of goofballs, including me. So I will leave it to your imagination how that went! Ha..yes...pretty much!!!!
When we tired of that, we would head back to the Burnside bridge and Riverwalk area to eat at Kell's Irish Pub. ( Kids ate there during day hours) Best Irish food around. The ceiling was plastered with quarters wrapped in paper money. The servers would take the donations ( to be given to the children's hospital....whoop and holler and throw it at the ceiling and it would "magically" stick. A fun way to help others. After a long day..and it was usually dusk by then..all the lights in the streets would sparkle and tell us it was time to return home.
We would ride the Rail home quietly reflecting on the good time we just shared. Before I drove home, I would jump into Trader Joes, next to where we parked, and bought a few items to bring back for snacking later on. My boys would usually pass out on the way home. I would build a fire in the wood fireplace and we would watch a scary or comedy movie on tv until their bedtime.
My grown kids have great memories of our spontaneous adventures while I was a single mother. Life was very hard for me those days. But I made sure they had home cooked meals, hugs, smiles, a safe place to fall when they needed it, a good roof over their heads and plenty of laughter and adventures.
That's important in life, no matter what crap is handed to you..
You just need to step back out of the roughness and find ways to keep smiling and create fun moments to break up the same old stuff you deal with every day. Being positive can turn things around. You need to persevere to find your happy flow. 
Portland Oregon-New lighted bridge

                                                        Portland Lightrail in Autumn

                                                   Pioneer Square in December

                                      The Max ( Lightrail ) tunnel to the Zoo and V. Memorial

             Lloyd Center and Mall. We never really bought much here. Just looked around and goofed on different things-it's a family art! ha~

                                        It's fun to watch the pro skaters practice

           Portland Union Train Station. Took off from here many times for other adventures and travels. I love my trains!

The Pittock Mansion, Portland. I never got the chance, all the years living near, to go visit and hit the trails around there. It is definitely on my list of to-do! Maybe this Fall???!!!... Hmmmmm
                                                       Keep Smiling- Peace Out my friends~

Thursday, September 14, 2017


     Oh my word...Autumn is right around the corner...and so are the Holiday's. Where did our summer go?
     In my state of Oregon...we were met with hard skies of smoke and choke. Luckily, I live on the coast, so it didn't hang around very long. But my heart goes out to those who suffered so much longer and lost their homes to the fires. To top that unfortunately, we had natural disasters all around our great country. Thinking we all need a break....a soft distraction...something simple and fun to think about or look forward too. The changing of the season~
     One of my son's and his fiancĂ©, took me to a place called Hobby Lobby. Now I know many of you are going "So what?"  Well....I've never been, yet alone have heard of the place, lol..I know, right?? Such an out of touch creature, I am.
     I draw much inspiration from such places. Yes, I do buy some things. But mostly, with cell camera in hand, I snap pics of different items thinking in my head " I can do that myself for a fraction of the cost!"  Even though I'm able to get what I want, I always want the best kind of deal no matter what it is. I think it's in my DNA.
      I pretty much had to work and pay for my own school clothes growing up. My mother made us some when we were really young. And I thank her for trying...but oh my word-there was no one in the house to guide me with fashion, or to even know how to apply make-up. I did get a few pointers from an older girl who lived down the street. There was that relief in my youth.. ha! When your a young girl, you need guidance for those kinds of things, trust me.
     Anyway, I digress...I will share a few examples of what I can do myself in regards to crafty items. I think you will agree with me. Have some fun this season.... find your own creative bone. Save a few bucks for yourself or to donate to help others who have suffered through a tragedy this year.

     I love a classic-vintage-rustic-whimsical look. Wait, there's a name for that...Eclectic!

And I can paint and something like this will be fun. You could create any picture really.
Go now, and fill your hearts with positive thoughts. Thoughts that make you forget the speed bumps so far this year. Look forward.
Keep Smiling
~PEACE OUT~ my friends

Sunday, August 27, 2017


Yes, I know, it's been over a year since I blogged last~
My attentions have been rolling down a whole new path. Let me tell you, there were times that I wasn't sure if I was coming or going...
I was taking on way too much, my health fought back in a negative way...and I have had to make some hard decisions. All of this, I'm sure will make for some interesting blogging down the road. But for now...I'm glad to be back, focused and will try and post new at least once a week.
I will say that I still take long walks, hikes and I still do run a little.( although that has slowed down to spare my joints)

Today was no different. I had an abundance of energy and no where to release it. So what do I do? I tie up the Nikes and shuffle off to the beach. My Ipod music as always... blaring in my ears, so I can let my mind go crazy with thoughts. Seems like this is the way I get promptings, knowing's and inspirations to the issues in my life. I usually know how to problem solve my conundrums. But I had a rough night last night....and a rough time this morning. I needed to push myself extremely hard to feel normal. Normal enough to think "my stuff" through.
I stay positive and keep the peace that I have woven around my heart.
I try to stay out of my own way.
I'm working on a new chapter in my life, as some of my past issues have been laid to rest. I've changed my thinking on some things...softened my heart to see things in a sweeter way. Someone new in my life has helped me grow in a special way. I am eternally grateful for this gift. A gift I didn't know I needed to receive.
 I guess you would call it a blessing- I am ~
Peace out my friends.
Until next week
Keep Smiling~

Portland, Oregon in the Holiday Seasons

While sitting behind a computer part of the day, working, getting eye strain and wanting to be mind wandered to the stormy we...