Saturday, February 20, 2016


I really like stairs. Stairs of all kinds. That might seem a little bit odd, your thinking. But if you really think about it, you use stair to go "up" to get somewhere new. To make it to another level-right?
My life to me, has been like climbing stairs. I've always seemed to be climbing with some sort of effort to get higher than where I was. Sometimes, I felt like I was pushed down those stairs because I chose the wrong route and there was nothing really to hang on to but a simple rough board that splinters...
 I would have to get back up; clean my wounds and find my strength to grab hold of the, 'hopefully' new path and pull harder to go forward again. Have you ever felt like that?
  My faith has gotten me through some rough times. The railing that was offered to me was usually at first the plain cold steal bar. It was made to be uncomfortable and cold while I was hanging on tight to get one step closer to the top. If I focused on my journey, and struggled to keep on God's path for myself; the railing slowly became more smooth and sometimes a bit ornate. Quite nice to hold onto, in fact. I felt a little more secure and started to enjoy the climb.
Even so....sometimes, I would get tired out from traipsing up and just stay where I was. I'd ponder what life should have been or could of been had I tried out another avenue...or if there was something just really wrong with the way I was doing things (imagine that-ha-common sense right?) exhausting, how unproductive-ugh!
But I suppose, everyone needs a rest now and again. Since I was a single mother, I had no one to lean on and help steady me, or catch me when I fell. A person can obtain a lot of bumps and bruises doing it alone. Unfortunately, I obtained a lot of  physical and emotional scar's 'when' I was married. But I am a strong soul, and strive to be at peace and happy-and forgiveness was the first step to begin my upward journey-the right stairs~
I had to try a few different ways up, a few different get it right. And that's ok! It's called "growth". The staircase that works for me is one in a sacred place. I had to first learn how to get out of my own way....that was the hard part..HA!
But the way I chose has been very freeing and beautiful ( yes, even when times get rough, I can still find the calm in the storms that I sometimes have to weather through)

It's full of amazing learning and adventures...and promptings of a spiritual kind. The view is bright and the rail is smooth and strong.
 I can be kind of a knucklehead sometimes, still, but not like before. I know to stay within the bounds of good kind living. I now believe I'm worth it!!!! So are you!!!!~
 I've let go of things that were knocking me down those stairs. I know I have family, friends and 'Him' to hold me up and walk beside me as needed....One step at a time..
What staircase are you walking up these days? Are you enjoying the climb? Or is it time to choose another that suit's you better to where you want to end up being, once you've hit the top?~
I am quite content on the one I have chosen. Maybe we can meet at the top. I will be the one who will be standing there with a big bright smile and my arms wide open~
Peace out~
Ps. Health tip of the week....Eat more at home. Eat real foods...reduce the processed items you put in your mouth. Your body will heal inside out.
Herbs and spices are important too. Helps lower inflammation in your tissues...among other naturally wonderful things.
I will also be gone for a couple weeks-important life need be's~
I shall return ;)

Friday, February 12, 2016

An Alternate Valentines Experience

Ok, so I'm just going to put it out there...ugh Happy Valentines day~ ( February 14 )
But I still stand by my protesting the way one day is celebrated. Love is for all time and every day!!!

I am going to suggest and alternative to Valentines day rituals.
1. Don't spend a lot of money on something that's only going to last one day-instead, make a memory.
2. Find out something about your loved one, that they love to do- but don't really get the time to do because life seems to get in the a hobby
3. Set some time out to take your loved one and do something related to this hobby they enjoy.
For instance: if they enjoy hiking or walking or gem stone hunting, ie: rock hounding. There are places you can research in your area that you can mine your own precious rocks. I've done it, my sister has done it-it is a fabulous way to really appreciate what you find-with your partner! Or take a nice drive to an area and go for a beautiful hike in nature. Pack a homemade picnic lunch for on the way. Both occasions, bring plenty of water. Got to keep your sweetheart hydrated!
Take a walk on the beach and find some lovely shells together to display in your home...make a sand sculpture together...get creative, laugh and play around. Enjoy each other.

Maybe, if you are lucky, you two may find the mother of all gems..
Probably not-ha. But it wouldn't it be nice if you had that kind of excitement in your hearts while enjoying a new memory-a new adventure together??? Excitement is what makes the memory "stick!"

What a real emotional gem looks like:it's made by those who make an effort, a loving, fun time together. It may even go right, when your trying to go left- roll with it and get a laugh out of it...hug your honey and carry on your adventure with a happy positive spirit!
 Memories are not an object, it isn't shiny or adds fat to your's after the day, you can think back, smile and get a warm true loving feeling deep down inside. that's love-that's care-that's happiness that lasts a lifetime...not just a day of bought stuff...from the stuffmart!-HA- Old and overdone with no real meaning....

I think one of the most happy times of a valentines, is when someone I loved surprised me with a dinner train excursion. It wound up through the woods and into beautiful country. We were seated across the table from an older couple. The elderly gentleman wore a fedora hat and looked so much like my very beloved grandfather who passed when I was young. It was an amazing time of talking, eating, and enjoying the scenery. It couldn't have been a better train ride. A beautiful memory. Yes, the train tickets did cost money, but all the things that transpired that day were magical and wonderful, and just 'happened'
By the way, have I mentioned....
                                                      I LOVE TRAINS!!!!!
I was seriously thinking of incorporating them in my summer month long trip...BUT, I don't have enough time in between those who want to spend their time with me.
So~ another time I will plan a purely fabulous vacay on some amazing train rides across our country, with a friend in tow to share with me some adventure.
Until then, please rethink what your Valentines day will look like. Don't try and "buy" the person off... do your best to make a great memory~
If you don't have someone you are sweet on, do something fun for yourself- your own memory...don't you think you are worth it? I do~
I love you

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Valentines Day is coming-Bah Humbug!!

Sorry it's been a longtime in between my postings lately. I've been working on a book that needs endless editing-so it feels like. I have a little bit of writers OCD- HA! I need to learn to let it go and let others read and make the choice if they like it or not. Regardless, it just feels good to tell a story.
So, Valentines day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The one "so called" holiday of making a one time effort of telling your loved one how much you care~
Candy, flowers, a night out in a romantic setting???...ugh. I've always felt that if you really love someone, make an effort every chance you get!!!! You don't have to buy things, etc. Just show that "someone" with actions, words of care and love. Smile, hug, laugh with that person. HUG- HUG- HUG!!!!!!
The act of hugging someone you care about is giving that person a physical, non-intrusive connection of care. In just that one small gift from one person to another...will be uplifting and can be very healing in some cases. You might not even be aware of the wonderful gift your actually giving that human soul.       
HUG~  care and love. Sure, ok, on Valentines day too~

I have been doing some extra thinking this year. Ha-no, that's a good thing...
I am going to take this blog site a little left .....I am going to emphasize not only tuning into nature and finding the fun and sometimes funny things in life, but to also encourage health and wellbeing of body and soul. I think it's time to really talk about trying to get worldly things out of our main focus, find inner peace and happiness that actually speaks to your soul...the kind of happiness that lasts...
and not just gives short term satisfaction /gratification.
Also, to start thinking more about the toxins we are ingesting. You ever wonder why there are so many exploding cases of cancer and other health issues in our lives?? I'm sure you've figured it out by now. I just want to embrace and share my journey of trying to clean up as many chemicals, etc. out of my diet.
Let's face it-it's impossible to do it 100%. But let me tell you, from when I really started to work on this about 5 years ago...I feel so much better and my physical and spiritual being has been uplifted in many positive ways.
I do have a strong faith in God and Jesus as my Savior and the Holy Spirit inside-guiding me. ( I am working on the listening part, as I am only human and prone to mistakes...ugh )
You can have faith, belong to a different religion, not really have a religion, or what have you...I care so much about you as my neighbor of earth. You matter. I love when we can connect through blogging. I thank you for being here with me and letting me share my thoughts and one sided banter!
I will start posting again once a week. I hope you will G-1 any posts you like. That gives me an idea what you care about. Drop me a comment. (private or public) it's all good.
Sit back and enjoy~
        Until next week,
                      PEACE OUT~

Tip of the week- HYDRATE with water...pure clean water! The most important thing to put into your bodies all day, every day!

Portland, Oregon in the Holiday Seasons

While sitting behind a computer part of the day, working, getting eye strain and wanting to be mind wandered to the stormy we...