Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Setting fire to yesterday~

~And finding more light in better days ahead....
Saying good-bye to my old nemesis, Murphy! His law has been unanimously voted out of existence where I'm concerned; from this day forward!! My proclamation of pre-2015 baby!...hehe. Hey, I never liked the douche anyway....( for anyone who doesn't know 'Murphy's law' it- lol)
I have burnt the tapes that have played in my head. They kept telling me how unlovable I was at my low times. Self-bashing is not in my vocabulary anymore. Most everyone I know has moments where they put themselves down for no valid reason.
 Voices up everyone, repeat after me " Not my circus, not my monkeys" when drama comes you way. and- " I am a worthy human being and I reject negativity"...Now everyone give yourself a hug and repeat "I am lovable". Everyone smile! Yay!!!!!! Well now you've started in the right direction for your new year.
Now if we could only put that to some jammin' music, we could all really rock out together-right?!
I had a lot of fun during holiday with family and friends. But honestly man, sometimes I wondered where the men in the white jackets were....haha....but I don't suppose there is a butterfly net large enough for my little piece of side show addicts! They are amazingly some of the most fun and entertaining bunch of magoo's Iv had the pleasure of going insane with. If you only could see the smile on my face right now-priceless.
My adventures in life included getting a challenge, ever so often, to play a game of basketball. Mostly from my 13 year old tall nephew. I'm sad to report ( ok for me at least) he stomped me this last game. He won. I conceded. ugh...
The kid really stepped up his game and I am so impressed with him and his talents. If he keeps it up, I am going to petition him to join our Portland favorite basketball team. None other! On the other hand, I need to practice, practice and oh, practice some more....if my body holds up, oie! I'm laughing as I'm typing this.....
So anyways, This time we brought a few more players to the court and just had fun with it.
the battle of the much fun..

After playing our energy off, we went home and ate pie. I mean, what else would you have us do??
On a final short blog note...there is one thing that has bothered me for years...I have one question before I tread into 2015....Where's Waldo???....and has he finally changed that Freddy Krueger -looking sweater???? Riddle me that~
All kidding aside, (but then what's the fun of that?!)....
 May my fun invasion of side show parodies and caring thoughts, flow through your veins this new year. There is still much to share with you-through stories and quips, caring and love. Hoping I can continue to make it all worth while and make you- SMILE!
Peace out~

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Moonlight and ever encompassing ' Wild'

I treated myself to an end of the year movie- I chose to see Wild with Reese Witherspoon; shot I believe mostly in the state of my beloved Oregon. After it was over, I started my late night walk home in the freezing crisp air. It went from sunny and mild here on the coast to brrrrrr 'where's my sweater and scarf!' I was bundled up, thankfully, in my feather lined parka with the fluffy edged hat flipped over my head and half of my face- trying to keep my shivering to a minimum.
Getting close to home I had an exchange of "wow is it cool enough for you?" with my neighbor who had temporarily stepped out for a smoke. I decided to pull my hat off so she could see me better and proceeded to get closer to my own front door, hands crammed deep into my pockets.
Something made me stop in my tracks and gaze up into the dark sky. It was the most beautiful star studded piece of universe I have seen in a long time. The moon was in full mystical romantic glow.
No artificial picture could have captured its splendor.( but I tried miserably)....
My eyes gazed upon so many bright stars gleaming in the moons light and all of the world just went silent as I basked in the moments that were all my own. I was filled with awe and a sweet kind of peace. My space was quiet...or maybe I just shut out any noise or existence. Time stood still for me....this was my moment....
I forgot about how chilled it was outside for just a few minutes although my breath was white and billowy warm flowing out of my lungs and into the winter air. I wish I could find these kind of moments at needed times of my life...maybe I shall look for them in the new year. I feel the need to  stop and stand still in a moment...that wondrous moment that I can see what no one else is able to drink in with their souls at that very second.
 I cannot wait for this new year to come sweep me up- carry me on its wings and fly me to new highs. Do old things in a new way...step up to make life a whole lot more fun and adventurous ..see what kind of wonderful positive mischief I can get into! ( I'm counting on my 'tribe' of friends to help out with that part this coming year, hehe..wink- wink!)
Goodbye 2014, its been a ride I wont forget. A time I reflected on life and my spirituality. A time I found more inner strength. A time I reconnect with people Iv loved and had fun with. A time when I could smile, laugh and mean it! A time I could start to love myself again. A time I realized love for others.
 I didn't need to 'find' myself'...( I despise that saying ugh!).. I was never 'lost'.. I was just on the shelf while I attended to the world around me most of the time. It's time to take me down and play with me! I'm laughing at the sound of that because it sounds so silly and outright fun!!!
Peace out ya'll
here's thinking and saying goodbye to the past~
...haha, Oh how dramatic!-Right?!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

I'm loving the warm feeling of December

It's kind of strange for me to say I have a warm feeling being that I am in the great Pacific North West-Newport, Oregon. Where the weather at this time of year is chilly at night and is a plethora of ever changing weather during the day. I'm talking about the warm fuzzies you get inside yourself. Today I awoke to rain falling by my slightly open window ( I like it cold and fresh when I sleep). I love the sounds of the drops hitting the tree that is right outside. I love hearing the surf of the pacific ocean in the morning when the tide is up. It also helps sooth me to sleep some nights along with the fog horn on the nearby lighthouse when its foggy over the ocean. Thoughout the day while I was in my kitchen baking and listening to my holiday music favs on my stereo; it started to downpour the most wonderful large drops of rain. It was loud and drew me to my back sliding glass door. As I stood watching and inhaling the cool fresh air it was creating, it suddenly turned to hail. The hail stones grew larger and I grew more entranced by the sudden changes. About 10 minutes later all was calm and the clouds departed, quite fast, because of the high winds we commonly have here on the coast. What a fun distraction. The weather was gracious to deliver me a hauntingly beautiful rainbow over the sea. You really have to focus to actually see it. Can you? Do you have a keen eye for finding something special and beautiful after a little kaos in your day?
A sweet friend of mine wrote that she enjoyed the warmer weather in Florida. I have to admit, at times it would be nice. But I wouldn't trade the bigger changes in the weather throughout the seasons. Where I live- it doesn't get hot and cold in extremes, but the different kind of storms for me can be romantic. It's ever changing so there is no getting your moods in a rut. Some places are more hot throughout the year, some are freezing. I'm thankful for living in a place in the world where it isn't an extreme of either. I consider it one of my blessings.
My longtime friend Maria takes wonderful photographs. She took this one of me last September as I was walking the shore in LaConner, Washington after a reunion. She really captured what I do so often here at home. Walking the shore, listening to the water and quietly meditating on what's on my mind.
I'm doing a lot of pre-thinking about where life has taken me and where I want to start  pursuing a new path- 2015...forward. We can choose to stay comfortable in how things are- or we can wake ourselves up a bit and choose to shake it up a little. Give our life story some more interesting chapters to reflect on in the future. I mean why wait until New Years night to make some half baked promises that your heart really isn't into? That got real old, real fast, years ago...that I just simply stopped doing it .You know the saying, beating a dead horse over the head~ What's the point??!! Like I always preach, I want to continue to smile, but I surely want to make it my personal mission for the rest of my years on this crazy earth to laugh more, at myself- at circumstances- with other people in my life.
What are you waiting for?...a specific day, once a year to think about how much you want to do something different? Ponder all the positive and wonderful possibilities...then make a plan to set it in motion. It won't happen if you don't skip and jump out of that box your in!
Wishing you all the excitement of planning a new trail in life. Be thankful for what you do have now and use it to prosper towards the adventure of your own future. Have lots of fun with it.
Peace out ~Happy rest of the year~Smile!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Oregon Aquarium Holiday Fun

Getting in a couple extra posts this week. Partly because I fractured my foot and even though I've been told to stay off of it...well those who know me can testify how much energy I actually have. Sitting for any long period of time drives me crazy. But at long last, its getting the better part of me. So everyone gets to see what I've been up too.
Oh, and the other more important reason is because I know there are those who don't have anywhere to go or people to see for the holiday. Maybe you can enjoy my little fun trip with a few family members to the Oregon Aquarium holiday lights.
We all gathered in my Ford and traveled to the south side of the city of Newport. Listening to some of my more favorite music for the holiday. Although my Andrea Bocelli cd is still in the van...I did see the man in concert years ago with my sister and had a brief moment to talk to him. A talented gentleman. I also got the opportunity to see the Trans Siberian Orch. in Portland a few years back with one of my adult sons. Both very different and very beautiful. Who doesn't like A Charlie brown Christmas and I love the sounds of Stings Winter album. Has a sweet Celtic feel. Since my heritage is half Celtic and half Scandinavian....I really connect with the Celtic sounds..
When we got to the Aquarium... it was a little misty out from a downpour earlier that day. We were bundled up a bit. We were in great spirits and I was wishing I had more pixels in my cell phone to pick up a better picture quality....but then one of my talents isn't photography! haha~

Welcome everyone from Miss Auri and myself! Lets go inside where the sea life is and outside where the pretty lights are strung up to light the pathways from building to building ....

There is something about jellyfish...and the way they free-flow while moving around and glow when the light hits them; that amazes me. Its so beautiful and graceful...I see it as a simple wonder of creation to behold. These funny jellyfish were dancing together....or were they just playing? I'd like to think they were being romantic and swirling, dancing and intertwining their tentacles in loving touches~ Jellyfish hugs?
We made it to one of the three famous under the sea tunnels, where many different kinds of fish, sharks, stingrays and other sea life swim over you and under you. You can stand there for a long time just getting a different glance at it all from so many different angles.
This was in the window of the gift shop. It was so creative and funny I had to give whomever got the idea props! ....Rudolph the red nosed shark??!!! haha good one!
Lets not forget to visit Santa by the big Christmas tree...I hear he is handing out free candy canes...even for us really big kids! That would be me!!!!
Ok, well Santa moved and he is a little blurry, but you all know what he looks like, right?  You can cut me a little slack ....give me your's almost Christmas. A time to be merry and full of joy and for me... some understanding and love. Yay, thank you~your very sweet!
Find your spirit, make yourself laugh and enjoy what's around you. I hope you enjoyed my little excursion out. I must rest now and make my foot happy, for I need to be rested to bake some yummy pies, cookies and pastries for my family and friends. It's time to make my home smell heavenly and spread some love. Now don't you wish you were my neighbor?
Peace, Love and warm Hugs to you all~

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Shopping in a strange place

I was running out of places to find fun and unusual gifts for people on my Christmas list. I traveled to a place called the Pirates Plunder on the south end of the bridge. I did find a few last things that I thought would bring smiles to my targeted family faces.
But that's not what this is about...haha!
This is about some of the stuff I saw for sale in this eclectic elongated store. Check this out with me:
Bugs under glass,..... what everyone needs right?

Do these things really sell? And what exactly are they suppose to be? Life must of been trippy in the 60's!!!!! 
Oh, I don't think so! Can you imagine unwrapping this on Christmas day? And be expected to hang this up in your home? It might be a tribal thing, but it just scares the expression right off my nerves!

This one I like, two you think they talk to each other when nobody is looking? Haha, I think one just moved.......

This would actually be a cool gift! unusual enough. But you would have to be into dead....well the revived dead.....It doesn't scream Merry Christmas at all! So
 this will work well for a few in my circle.
I will be joining a few tomorrow for the Festival of lights at the Oregon Aquarium. I think you will enjoy my next posting, a more jolly holiday traditional one. It's just fun to find some laughs, right?!
Peace out~

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Who gives a story meaning?

Who gives a story meaning? The ones who read it!
There is a young girl, the age of ten who lives in my neighborhood. She comes up to me often wanting to give me a hug and a smile. This brightens my day. This precious child tells me she thinks I'm pretty. What I'm actually hearing in her voice is her want of reassurance that she herself is pretty and acceptable. How do I know this? I know her well enough to understand how much value she puts into teen magazines, pop stars and even television kid shows. These types of media, etc. put a lot of focus on body image...what is and isn't acceptable.
I make sure she knows how beautiful inside and out she is.
 Reality is, if you have inner beauty-it radiates to your outsides. This is true for boys as well.
Lets be honest here-old and young need to keep a focus on what true beauty is. We also need to take the focus off of ourselves and onto creating joy, love and my favorite...laughter!!!
Which brings me to friendships. Male and female friendships.. all very valuable.
Early this morning I get a knock on my door. A special delivery for me....yay~how fun!
opening the box, I find a few special likes of mine- and this.....

What a great way to start my day! Needless to say that all my preaching to everyone about finding your smile each day, someone who is very dear to me, gave me mine!!
Its not the object itself, its the love that was put behind it and sent with....the words on the cup are priceless. This is one of my many friends, who cares and speaks with sunshine.
 Along with a simple smile, words can warm the heart and make your insides glow..
If you can't relate, or you don't have someone in your life to lift you up. Reach out to me. I'm full of happiness. Enough for you too. Keep returning each week, maybe I can give you enough reason to feel better. Give you something to lighten your week with at least. No one should feel alone or bummed out.
Don't forget, seize every opportunity to laugh. It doesn't cost anything. Its contagious. Even if your day is in the pits. Don't make me pull this blog over and get silly! ha~ Peace out my precious reading elves!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Finding something to do....

I had a couple of fun days wrapping Christmas presents to set under my tree. I do enjoy the shinny papers that I have chosen because it reflects the lights that twinkle above them.
But, looking back just a few days ago, I was sick, bedridden for a couple of days. I hardly ever get sick, so this was a huge annoyance to me. My mind wanders over all the things that I should be doing...when I could think straight-right? Outside wasn't the only thing that was foggy! My head hurt and made me dizzy at times. The rest of my body was screaming at me. I'm not much of a medicine taker. Relying mostly on holistic remedies to sooth my pains and nausea. Eventually, it did the trick. But while I was laying in my cozy warm bed, I decided to watch some television to take my mind off of my woes. Not much that caught my interest.....the DIY channel? No, I didn't want to watch someone work at something..I wanted to work!....How about the Animal planet? .....monsters inside me show is on.....

Oh auwk!!!! No thank you, not even when I feel well....So I settled for the Walton's on the Hallmark channel. Nothing in that to make me gag- or no violence. Just passive happy old time life adventures. ( I have to admit, I do love those Baldwin sisters making their 'recipe' and acting sugary adorable in their oddities)
In my quiet time I did reflect on people who over work themselves ( I've been guilty of that) Working yourself hard all the time will make you prosper financially, obviously. But to obtain real success in your life you need to do what makes you truly happy. Being satisfied with those that are around you. If your finding yourself smiling or laughing throughout your day; that's telling you your doing it You need to be nurturing your health, mind and body .Practice deepening your empathy and compassionate expressions. Reach out to someone you haven't talked too lately. You might not get another chance. Life has twists we don't count on....
 Even smile when you don't feel like it. Why? Because it sends a signal to your brain and soon it will become real. It helps crowd out all the negativity that's bumming your day out, replacing it with a positive gesture-smiling.~

 Something that simple does actually work!
Doing this will not only lift your spirits, but others will see you and want what you have...Happiness and inner Peace. A sort of Namaste' being.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

My Saturday sideshow..

After finally finding a tree I liked and bringing it home to decorate; I stand and ponder at how I want to transform it into a thing of eclectic beauty.
Deep in joyous thought, I notice a few branches wiggling about. Upon closer inspection I see two eyes sparkling at me from the mid bows.....Anubis, my Egyptian Mau, who has never encountered a tree, thinks she has found the mother of all forest playgrounds!
Anubis, who fetches like a dog and eats like a mountain lion, has now a new lesson to learn. Don't climb my Christmas tree! A trick Iv learned to accomplish this, was to put pine cones around the base of the tree ( they hate stepping on them) and a few small balloons next to the trunk. One claw and 'boom' its scares them from another attempt of conquering your tree. So far, its working! I couldn't be happier. My ornaments are safe.
Now that I have no more to worry about, I notice the sun has cracked through the winters fog and the earth is warming up again. This is my chance to take a walk, a jog, with headphones on and some holiday peace in my heart.

What will you do..simply... to enjoy your weekend? Don't forget to laugh at things that would generally irritate you. It lightens your mood. ~Peace out my friends

Thursday, December 4, 2014

It's December already!. Are you ready?

I took time out of my very busy day to stop and think about all I need to do this month. I was getting overwhelmed. So I started to reflect on some silly funny things that happened over the Thanksgiving week to relieve my stress. One thing makes me laugh the most because its so obnoxious. My son was asked to make and bring the rum balls this thanksgiving. Its a bit of a family tradition. Usually his grandmother makes them, but she is nearly blind and getting on in age. So instead of asking for a recipe or getting any kind of help...this is what we were presented with after dinner:
Now this solution is coming from my son who was an honor student in school! His idea of the perfect rum ball! My son has a definite sense of odd humor. Its one of the reasons why I love the young man! Although I really don't drink alcohol anymore, we all laughed at the corniness of it, some took a drink of rum and we all went out to shoot some hoops. So technically we had a new rendition of homemade rum balls. (I have to admit, I did miss the chocolate)
Its winter time and we all are thinking of ways to warm ourselves ( unless your in a warm part of the world-then cheers to you~) Its also a time when we are thinking about what the holiday will bring us. I know its fun for most to exchange gifts with each other during Christmas or whatever you celebrate. I can get a little bit of excitement out of this tradition. But what excites me the most with no bounds is being around family and friends and even acquaintances. The feeling of being close and bonding just a little more than usual is priceless to me. Feeling the love of  people in my life. It keeps a deep smile fixed to my face all day. I love smiling at people who look grumpy. Maybe for 2 seconds I can put a happy thought into their day?!
If you walked up to me with a diamond necklace as a gift...I would get more pleasure from you with a loving hug, a genuine smile and a few kind words a good laugh. That would be more precious than any object that could be given.
 I will take that kind of sunshine in my life. If you see me, I accept hugs! strike up a conversation in person or though personal media. Lets laugh about silly things, lets put smiles on each others faces that will stick all December long. Lets release some endorphins in our brains.
What matters most to you this season? What do you want to convey to someone before the year ends?
Open up yourselves a little in a positive way. No regrets, unburden your hearts if you need to express your feelings. Its always easy to show your love to family...Show your love to your friends and your kindness to everyone else that is put in your path. Near and far, ....this is what makes me so very happy. Your important to me. I care about you. We share this planet together. Lets make it fun while we are here.
Peace, from me. Until next week my wonderful minions! I hope I made you smile~

Portland, Oregon in the Holiday Seasons

While sitting behind a computer part of the day, working, getting eye strain and wanting to be mind wandered to the stormy we...