Friday, June 26, 2015

A Light in the Darkness-A Lighthouse

A light in the darkness was what I was searching for last week. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, I get blue, almost sad...kind of pensive. It could be all that pent up frustration, my stress, my exhaustion from everything for such a long time-trying to keep my happy strong face outwardly forward for everyone to see....
I'm not strong all the time!!! Sometimes I would love a soft place to fall, someone to step up and say "Hey, I'll take over from here for a while, so you can rest and gain your balance."
Do you ever feel like getting up in the morning only to want to crawl 'under' your bed and disappearing for a few days?
Do you ever feel so overwhelmed with life you just want to find a comforting light in the distance to help guide you out of your turmoil? Sometimes that turmoil is not as bad as it seems, it's just that you are so wiped out everything just gets so exaggerated.
As I was going into town a few days back, when it was dusk, to lock up my mothers house by the beach; I decided to go to a quiet spot that overlooked the pacific sea and took in the sunset and the ocean air. Feeling  quite low, still, I just stood there and was silent.... physically and spiritually.
A grand- peaceful feeling came over me and my 'blueness' lifted away from me. The beautiful sunset, with colors of orange and blues and yellows...the warm soft lightly salty air blew around me gently. The few billowy clouds floated in wispy shapes over my head.
My word!!!!!  What do I really have to be blue about? I live here...I have all this magic and beauty at my disposal. I was so wrapped up in life's whirlwind, I couldn't see what was right in front of me! I had forgotten my own advice- to take the time to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. The things that give us peace, pleasure and fun in the most natural, organic way. Even the best of us get off balance~
I had the pleasure of spending time with two interesting young men this evening, friends, who shared some insights and revelations on spiritual topics. It's interesting how you can hear different views of the same subject and that it brings you closer to an amazing deeper understanding of it- it turns out to be the very thing you needed to hear. It helps you make sense out of your 'blue period'. They made a liar out of me tonight- they made me tear up, I couldn't talk for a minute because my feelings were exposed and sitting on top. I'm not a crier!
 Could my iron wall be coming down a little? Is it ok to be a little emotionally vulnerable to the things that mean the world to me??
 For me, it's personal.
 Like a towering lighthouse that sits upon a rock- a ridge that boarders the ocean waters, whether calm or turbulent is built solid, and you know it is sturdy and has a purpose for all those out there who need a light to give them direction and keep them safe...
.....That is what I get out of my faith. It's solid and I know I'm loved and not alone and guided and even forgiven when I need to be. It keeps me going forward and gives me comfort and purpose. But that is me~ And I wouldn't have it any other way for myself......
You may have a different perspective of life, and that's ok. We all have to come to our own understandings. But we all want to find a light in our darkness. We all have times that we need guidance for our matter how far off the light may seem, its there, you just need to go outside somewhere, hopefully near nature... be still, breath slowly and look around you...
All of this just didn't get there by chance....ponder that. Find your light
Peace out and be happy~

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Fathers Day is unfolding

What I am about to post is: about putting some care into your husband, if he is a father ( even if he is not- he is still worth it ). Now this post, you would think should be about something to do on
 " mothers day". Nope!!! Men need some pampering too. Even 'manly men' need to be appreciated and have some relaxing care for themselves.
What I am talking about is drawing them a soothing warm MILK BATH !
Yes, that's right- a milk bath....and Ill tell you how and why on many levels its a wonderful idea for your man...your children's father, your husband, the love of your life....whatever you want to call him ;)
We all know Cleopatra used milk and honey baths and her skin was talked about as being silky and luxurious. It was a rich persons pleasure. Now I don't advocate using honey because it can get a bit sticky and a bit cloggy in the drain....and who wants a mess to clean up afterwards?? Not I~
Use it on your toast...then call it good.
First the how:
In a clean bathtub run hot/warm water ( or pool temp. whatever you desire will do, even cool water if its hot out where you are- works fine) Immediately pour a half gallon of whole milk in the tub while the water is running. Only use whole milk as you want full benefits. It has omega 3 fatty acids and calcium, etc. that makes you soft, sooths the skin and is beneficial to your health. No additives or yucky chemicals. ( make sure its hormone free milk if you can.)

If you choose to bump it up a bit and get some aroma therapy going, try some fresh lavender or rose petals. Again, don't use oils as they leave a ring and make clean up not so fun...

I've found that men usually like just the milk in the water, with the exception of some liking the lavender if they are not afraid of the calming effect it has on their doesn't make them a girly man! Men who are secure in themselves, are good with doing this.
(make sure you strain out the leaves before you drain)
Women, just draw your man a relaxing milk bath and maybe put his favorite music on in the bathroom, give him a kiss and take the kids out away from the house for an hour or two so he can let the rough edges of the week melt away. Maybe you can go shopping for his favorite foods. What guy doesn't like a home cooked meal in a peaceful home full of the family he loves??
Trust me, once he has partaken of this unusual but most satisfying act of love, his heart will be full of happiness and love.
Fathers day, like mothers day, is only one day a year. In all reality, I've always felt that you need to be cherished every day of the year. Do things like this for each other often. Make sure not much time goes by that you don't give an extra hug or a special gesture to the one you love for what they do..  forgive the little imperfections that may annoy you...bask in the warm fuzzy feelings and the everyday things they do to make life work comfortably. Wake up every morning and ask yourself, "what can I do today to make this a good day for my loved one" Hopefully they will wake up thinking the same thing about you~ ( its a good idea to communicate this with each other so your on the same page) Acknowledge your spouse when they go the extra minute for you.
And the kids......well, they are your blessings. And when you have a rough day with them and you want to pull your hair out from frustrations...we all have been there..haha... best thing to do is wait until they are fast asleep at night and look in on them quietly, sleeping like angels and remember how beautiful they really are...and yes someday they will grow up and have kids of their own and you can smile with glee when they come back to you and apologize for running you ragged on too many days! Life is funny that way. It tends to go full circle!

I am giving a special shout out to my own father on fathers day who passed in 2001. I miss you dad and I think of you often.
Here are to the fathers that have been taken away too soon or the ones who lived a good life and have passed to the heavens above. Our love goes out to you~

                                                       Happy Fathers Day this Sunday
                                                                      Peace out~

Monday, June 8, 2015

Ghosts in my Head

Reflecting ~
I've been doing a lot of that lately. It seems like when a major event happens in my life, people...'ghost memories', come flooding back- permeating my thoughts. People that I had not thought about in many years. Locked away deep in the back of my brain. Then something happens and 'boom' another ghost is unleashed. It flies around the space between my ears and begins to allow seepage of  other memories that go along to that certain person in my past. It just slowly filters through. Some good recalls, some I tried hard to forget.
 Experiencing this can be good...or not so much. I'm not sure why it works this way except to say I believe God opens up these 'ghostly forgotten people memories' and puts them in our path because they need to be there for our betterment in some unknown way- at that exact time; for our future. There is a rhyme and reason for it.
Maybe its an unresolved old situation that needs tending too. Sometimes its just that you need that person there again because of some sort of care you may need in the future, or maybe its time for you to reconnect because they are who you need at that point in life for love, (feeling not physical) companionship, or just a needed friend you can lean on in your life at that time and forever more. Someone who will laugh with you, hold you up when your feeling blue or just to hug you without any words.
These 'ghost' people are there for a reason. You just need to be quiet in the moment and listen and watch where it all goes. Whether you reconnect with them or if its someone who you lost-that they passed on, I believe there is a purpose for each such ghost to reveal itself after a long sleep in your head. Who knows, maybe you need to connect with them because 'you' are just what they need in their lives at that time-its all in Gods timing. Even if you don't believe, you know that there is some kind of substance going on in those situations.
Question is, do you figure it out while going forward, or do you turn a blind eye on any kind of positive prompting? Do you let an opportunity go away? Do you trust going one more step forward and see where it takes you?
Maybe we should all exercise some ghosts when they are wanting our attention...
Peace and calm to all your thoughts when acted upon.
May you connect with many wonderful positive ghosts in your journey and be forgiving with the rough hurtful ones~

A comrade strums on a sad guitar,
My mind is drifting to where you are,
Remember Me

Portland, Oregon in the Holiday Seasons

While sitting behind a computer part of the day, working, getting eye strain and wanting to be mind wandered to the stormy we...