Sunday, April 19, 2015


This blog is dedicated to the fun and simple things in life. My son, who is a single father, knows how to show his daughter how to have fun, make lasting memories and show her new easy skills. Its a time he can share with her while she is growing and realizing that she is a valued young lady, loved and cherished. While there are some fathers who aren't present in their daughters life ( tragic); there are many wonderful daddy's who see the greatness of spending time raising their little girls. A fathers relationship is so important to their daughters. I thought I would pay homage to them through one of the many times my son Myk, takes care to share special moments with his best girl.
This is a mini journal of how you enjoy a beach trip:
First you walk the beach to find the perfect can find unusual sea creatures lurking in the sand...

Myk, (dad) has his daughter dig a small pit and teaches her how the wind direction effects how well the fire will maintain. Carefully placed rocks and logs make for an epic fire pit. Dad cheats a bit with a couple store bought fire ( Back in my day we got the fire going by rubbing two sticks together really fast!!...yeah right~ just kidding. )
There must be some time to play in the sand while dad lights the fire..

Crazy uncle Jess works on his post art fence. He gets a little help from his niece. She will definitely will grow up multi-talented....

 A nice fire pit to create wonderful  "oowie-goowie" smores! Let the yum begin..
                                                      the roasting of the marshmallows...
                                                              smore assembly....
                                                     Is this a masterpiece or what??
 Loving every minute of this simple pleasure.          

Time to retire the sticks that we found on the beach...didn't cost a penny...

While dad uses the fire to burn some paper trash. Keep our beaches clean...right?!

While some clean up is going on- plus time to let the fire burn down, there is a un-written beach law that says you must bury your toes in the sand, then wiggle and giggle while the sun beats down on your cheeks! No, I'm serious, I read it somewhere so it has to be true.....hehe
So here's to all the fathers who love their daughters and spend good quality time with them. They see how important and precious every moment is. How important  it is having their dad around giving them their love and time.
Three thousand cheers to you all! I applaud  you, I respect you. Take your much deserved bow~
These pictures are worth a thousand words
Peace out

Monday, April 13, 2015

Was I a gypsy?

I am not a nomadic person who speaks Romany....I've never been a textbook person you would define as a gypsy roaming around from place to place. But I have been called a gypsy on the content that in my adult lifetime I have moved around quite often. I used to think that it was because I couldn't bond myself to any one place. I never felt grounded enough to call one place home. I always felt a draw to keep moving, keep searching-like I was needed in another place to fulfill some kind of destiny; such as it was. I originally moved to get away from some very toxic relationships. I moved for self preservation.
 For the better part of my life I have been searching for love that would attach to me and make me feel like I was finally "home". That might sound a bit odd. But it's been something I've had a deep longing for. Actually I'm still in want. But life has changed its meaning over this last year or so, so I keep myself open to finding that love, that I felt I didn't deserve-but I think I do now....Yeah, I know, took me long enough to figure that out-right??! :)
I have spent my time living in places like Seattle, Monroe, Everett, Kirkland, Gigharbor, Puyallup and Tacoma, Washington; owning 5 houses and renting a few places.
 I worked as a social worker the longest-and on the board of a steering committee for a woman's domestic violence shelter, the DV helpline, certified educated area police, church authorities, firefighters etc.. I also worked retail, fine crystal sales lady, Hallmark store. I even worked as a housekeeper for a very wealthy family for a while. My greatest job was raising my four amazing sons and doing my best to keep them safe and well loved by me.
I made a decision to move to Oregon. It had been a personal wish for myself in my early twenties. I got the chance by needing to flee another harsh relationship. Live and learn- I did finally wake up!.
 I moved to Portland and went to college there. I studied art history and medical sciences. I've lived in Tigard, Glendale, bought another house and got my nursing cert., then to Grants pass, back to Portland, worked at Legacy hospital and retail again (to make ends meet) , then after my last two sons graduated, back to Grants pass, then to Newport where I wanted to retire, near the ocean ( another dream of mine) Got called back to Grants pass for a short while so I could care for my sister while she fought and finally got taken away from me from breast cancer. I moved back to Newport. Newport is where I feel the most at home. Although I sometimes get an itch to move back to Portland or who knows...I find myself being needed here. My family, my friends, old and new, my faith...are all giving me a bit of a grounding that I have been needing for quite some time. The ocean is a big part of this draw. When I can walk on the sandy beaches with the roar of the tides, the soft breezes and salty fresh clean air permeating my senses-I know I am right where I need to be at this time, at this moment. Only my God can pull my roots and ask me to follow to where I need to be in the future. Maybe, just maybe, He will give me a good life, a good love right here where I call home so I can take the wheels off my traveling trailer~ hehe
 I don't think I was traveling place to place- being a lost soul.
 Reflecting now, I think I have had to grow in an unorthodox way. Hopefully helping others as they needed me along the way made a difference. 
 So maybe I have found my little piece of sunshine in my travels as a gypsy.
peace out my wondering tribesmen

Friday, April 3, 2015


Over the last year I've had some different feelings about each and every holiday; and what we are actually celebrating during that day. I'm not a child, so that excitement of doing something fun and special-mostly "getting" stuff had wore off.
 I was raised to understand the historical or religious significance of each holiday. There were an abundance of commercials and shows that bombarded my eyes and ears making me want whatever they were peddling. It left me feeling shallow inside. It gets very old over the years. While raising my four sons I made sure they had fun decorating trees, having bountiful presents, Easter egg hunting and extravagant baskets full of candy and toys, etc. Id dress them up in their little suits and ties and we would all march off to church when the holiday was of a religious matter. Then I would invite other family over and have big meals together. My family always enjoyed my home cooking. Even though I was usually exhausted at the end of each holiday  seeing to every detail, making everyone comfy, loved and was a good kind of tired. I always felt like lapsing into a mini-coma at the days end.
Although I still have enjoyment over gathering with family, eating and laughing, happy banter and hugs; I view the meaning of each holiday without the obsessiveness of 'commercial-ness' trying to distort the whole vibe of the holiday.
Look at these pictures and tell me what ones actually 'speak' Easter to you? Not looking for political correctness, just honest and free thinking ponderings:

a basket of bunnies etc...
 A sacred place to fill our souls...
 Victorian dust collectors...
Over the years my perceptions have waivered to 'stuff' - to 'the history/reason, the resurrection' of Jesus Christ ....ok, now you know I'm human too...I have gotten sucked up in the past to over-buying..ugh, exhausted just thinking about it.
Whether you believe or not ( I do) is not my point. My point is, if there is a holiday for a specific reason, its up to you if you want to respect and celebrate that day. If you don't, well then, it's just another day.
I feel that 'we' who believe, should remember what Jesus did often-not just Easter. You should remember He was born to this earth for the love of us-not just remembering on Christmas.
Further, to broaden this thought, you should be told "I love you", taken to dinner and have flowers given to you often to brighten the day, and hugged....much- much hugging should be given! (flowers are a natural gift of a living thing-and dinner, well...we all got to eat-right? ;) -not just on valentines day.
And Veterans / memorial brainer, give them love and respect due every day-tell them so!!!
Here is my favorite thought...Lets celebrate the 4th of July with a fun day of BBQs and fireworks, etc. and go on the rest of the year doing things to show how thankful we are to live where we do- stop gripping.., and do things to make life better and happier for our fellow human beings. Not just here, but all around the world. Earth is our home, people are our neighbors. We can have different beliefs, and still care about each other. God gave us the right and the freedom to voice ourselves. Lets just not make it at another's expense. Say it with kindness and calm.
Let me share my smile with you this Sunday. No matter what you believe or don't believe, I wish you a happy Easter. I encourage you to go hug people you love that day and everyday. There is a tradition everyone should embrace!
That's what I think in a nutshell
Peace out~

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Reliving Scotland and Wales part 2

On my travels, I took the train to do most of my long distance and stayed at out of the way Bed and Breakfast old Victorian homes. The places were warm and homey. The owners were hospitable and engaged you in marvelous conversations. You also got the lowdown on the best places to check out beyond the 'touristy' areas. The breakfasts in the morning were tasty; it was like having an English tea party with morning foods, quaint with old beautiful china and linens and lace. It kind of gets your day started with a whimsical flair. Once in Edinburgh, Scotland, I got to go into my first 'real' old art museum. With paintings from the renaissance era, etc. I stood for what seemed for ever looking at every fantastic piece. I honestly couldn't believe I was there drinking up all of this beauty and creativity. I hated to leave.
The Edinburgh castle. Nearby, there was a whiskey distillery that had a ride that took you underneath the a Disney ride, with animated people telling you the history of how they make true scotch whiskey. When you stepped out of your the end of the ride....a butler looking dude was there with a tray of whiskey shots to give you a taste of fire. oooh strong stuff. I don't drink anymore, but I do remember how stiff and warming it was going down!
This is St.Giles church. A very gothic style inside and out. Boarder line creepy! ( not to be disrespectful) I really liked it.
Before I headed to Inverness, I was finally happy to see a one bagpiper...oh well, he was good, I was ok.

Northern Scotland, Inverness, at the Loch...yes I wanted to see where the Loch ness monster lived ;)
The remnants of the Urquhart castle. I didn't have a sighting of the monster but God sent me a rainbow while I stood alone praying out thanks for my traveling blessings. This was my smile for the day. I felt He was listening~
Before I headed out to the train ( these stops were a few days stay in each area) I had someone take one more picture near the Loch. I just wished I would have saw that legendary aquatic dinosaur Nessy! Oh well maybe next time ;)
Now talking about haunted...I've been on ghost walk tours, been in some very old homes and places that in all probability, should have been filled with ghosts or creepy instances. Not until I jumped off the train late the next night and found a B&B in Preston, did I encounter a place that I was happy to get out of!! Haunted! absofreakinglutly! Old, but nice inside, sweet as can be owners...but oh my word, SCARYYYY night!!! Loud walking in the hall ( no one there) the very strong feeling of someone in your room, very unsettling and uncomfortable atmosphere to name a few things I dealt with that night. This is coming from one who grew up in a century old haunted farm house! No pictures, but here is their card. Go visit and check it out yourself if you dare...eeeek!
Anyway, I spent a wonderful few days in Cardiff, Wales. I have the most ancestral connection there.  The spiritual connection was almost intense, like I was home. I plan on going back and spend more time when I take my trip to Ireland.
 I had the pleasure to stay in a B&B here behind me. Walking distance to many great eats and the castle. Had fun buying my sons armor and knight statues and mini canons etc. Even got to enjoy a concert in the park. Many college kids were having great fun dancing and talking, laughing and living life. I missed prince Charles having lunch the building next to the middle castle structure by one day. Not that it was a big deal, just thought Id mention
Yep that's me that little black dot at the top of the castle. I mastered the many stairs. Seemed to be a theme if you wanted to get anywhere fun...
I hated to leave, but my time was running short and I wanted to stop for a day or two in Bath, England
 One of the places I chose to visit was the Roman Baths. I had read about them in high school and wanted to see a bit more of the UK's history. There are saunas and hot baths etc under this building where people would go to feel better. They thought the main pool/ bath here had healing properties. They would come with their ailments, sores and boils and scabs to soak. auwk-right? The water is a weird green color. After hearing about those in centuries gone by- soaking their wounds in this water....I ask myself WHY AM I PUTTING MY HAND IN THIS GROSS LOOKING POOL??? hahaha. It was kind of like telling a child not to touch a hot pan....I just had to do it! And I'm a little bit of a germaphobe
I enjoyed my time, although I was tired and missing my family, I was also sad to say goodbye. There was so much that I still wanted to do and see. With any luck, I will meet a good man who likes to travel so I can share new experiences with a loved one. Future possibilities!
I leave you with one more insight....when you go out to eat, and you decide to order chicken...chances are you will be eating rabbit passed off as chicken! I like rabbit! Tastes like chicken! ;)
Thank you England, Scotland and Wales, your my home away from home.
I love you guys
Peace out
until I see you again~ Hugs from Oregon state, America

Reliving my United Kingdom part 1

I had the chance to jump on the first non-stop flight from Seattle, Washington to the London Heathrow airport in 1995. Round trip ticket cost??? 150.00 bucks! Now who wouldn't have jumped all over that?! It was a promotion from British airways and they only had a small amount of tickets available....I took two seconds to figure it all out and  I made my purchase. The next thing was to get enough time off of work, ( I was married then and still worked two jobs) -(excuse me, make that two paying jobs and raising four sons, managing a household and tending to my husband, etc.) I always seem to down play the importance of  the later~ Yet it is the most important job in the world!
Anyway, I scrambled to make extra money so it wouldn't come out of my families account to have the most fun I could in this amazing vacation opportunity. (before you start thinking-no my husband didn't have a desire to go and was encouraging me to hit the airways) Soooooooo-off I went.
Now please remember I had a ghetto type camera and by no means was I any sort of good photographer. The pictures were a little...well you will see. They are not perfect. If you want perfect, look online or better yet, go there and have yourself an adventure. This was a few parts of my adventure. Thanks to my friend Maria, who has an amazing blog herself, and is an amazing photographer to-boot...( thinking about kidnaping her for my next foreign trip.. wanting better photo memories :):):) ) I wanted to relive the fun I had. I wanted to reminisce.
It was the longest airplane ride I had ever been on!!! I am a "seat wiggler" so I was in the back Isle area standing and chatting up other passengers who apparently had the same issues- quite often.
I really didn't have much issue adjusting to the time zone difference and I never experienced jet lag. I was just in awe of even being in a new part of the world. I have ancestry in the UK including Scotland, Ireland and Wales. ( unfortunately I've yet to get to Ireland, but its on my list to explore in a couple of years-so look out....I'll be coming to your neck of the woods soon!! Can't wait)
Of course I had to be the proverbial 'tourist' and ride the double decker bus for the tour of London. It worked out great, because you can jump off anywhere you want then jump back on. So you get to wander around areas in person then get the $20.00 over the microphone tour. ( note to you all...London drivers are NUTS! Its every man, woman and child for themselves, God bless them....they are some of the most crazy drivers you will ever experience, not to mention they drive on the opposite side of the "just being a little American". The picture above is of the House of Governor. The architecture in London is amazing. Many statues adorn their grey buildings with figures posing over our heads. Almost every structure is a work of art. Its like a living we have all seen in our history books in school- now here in the hard mason flesh, my eyes are exploding in awe. And of course I said these words out loud in the worst english accent" Ello govnah" haha...Tell me you could resist doing that-right?!
This was taken after I watched the changing of the guards at the Palace. Its quite a to-do. Most interesting. This statue is on top of a monument that is in the center of the round-a-bout outside the Palace gates. It is cast in gold. The weather, as such in London is overcast quite often, and I caught the clouds opening up and shine down on the angel, This is also the place where I left my camera case...drats!!! Oh well.
The royal was great sitting on the top of the double decker as it was fully open.
...and although this needs no description...contrary to my young childhood beliefs...London bridge did 'not' fall down...only we did, us fair ladies...This lady in the picture 'photo bombed' me lol. I have no idea who she is!!! hehe.
St. Pauls cathedral- prayer room ceiling. The amazing art work that goes into the churches and various buildings, well I could have stayed and gazed for hours soaking it all in.
I got to meet many different people not only from the UK, but from all over the world just visiting for themselves. Guess who I ran into one day??
Henry the 8th and company! Yep that's right, I photo-bombed him! Had to get into the action.
Wait- what?? Really?? Oh that's right, I was at Madame Tussaud's...hahahaha  Ok, that was lame... :)
I will continue in the next post of more adventures in the UK
Peace out~ until then

Portland, Oregon in the Holiday Seasons

While sitting behind a computer part of the day, working, getting eye strain and wanting to be mind wandered to the stormy we...