Wednesday, January 7, 2015

To sleep, perchance to dream~

~to quote Shakespeare as I sit here unable to find any type of sleep in my bed this late night, on the pacific coast. I find myself having another moonlight conundrum of why I cannot turn my brain off! My mind fires with the intensity of Albert Einstein's- trying to figure out another one of life's scientific questions. ( um... sure, haha)
I do not have the intelligence of this man, but as most people, I am given to deep thoughts and ponderings that are of the most
I've had a week that almost set me off my balance- and had me giving into absolutely no common sense. Some verbal 'non-sense' was being absorbed by my ears from a few individuals that clearly had no knowledge of which they spoke of. I believe this is what most people call drama in the making.
 What am I thinking?!!!
 This question I had to ask myself, a few times over to get me off of the proverbial ledge- Get me back to my "not my circus, not my monkeys" mantra. It does nobody any good to engage in gossip or negative talks. I had to own what I was buying into...I almost "drank the Kool Aid"!!!! Ha~

I am graciously blessed with some good friends that I could turn too. Some that I could vent on, some I could rational with, some who just loved on me. I had a few friends who came over to spar verbally with me this evening, kind of intelligently talk through my issues with great discourse. I can get pretty passionate with my views on life, faith and humanity. I think we all can. It becomes a trick not to make it too political or judgmental of others. Talking it out was the sweet release I needed to feel grounded again. I was able to breath slowly and with peace as my center. It gave way to gentle reflections of my day and how not to let myself get caught up in the whirlwind of someone's 'hot air'. Unfortunately, these reflections came in the dead of night and caused me to not fall asleep! oie....
Instead of being grumpy about my day and about my lack of sleep thus far; like Abraham Lincoln said, (a president I always found fascinating) " A man is as happy as he makes up his mind to be!"
So in that case, I choose to write, smile and take it all in stride. There is always tomorrow, right? Oh already is!!

Let the dreams blow into your nights and give you sweet adventures of pleasure.
            May you awaken with a rested and happy lightheartedness.
                            Until we meet again. Rest well.
                                             Peace out~

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