Thursday, January 8, 2015

Live La Vie En Rose

Had an opportunity to go out for a new trail walk today. The sun was out and it wasn't too cold for a January day here. I have been neglecting myself a bit and felt an enormous amount of energy just busting at my seams. My mind has been going a mile a minute and my bones were screaming at me to get out-get moving! So I obliged. I took one of my adult sons with me ( I have four grown, handsome young sons) as he needed some well earned exercise too.
I had found a new spot in which to tackle a few miles off the 101 corridor. Off into the wilderness we went, on a forest trail ( ok, so it wasn't much of a wilderness ,but in my head that sounds more satisfying than saying a manmade nature trail! -smiling..
There was a sweet smell of pine wood, dew from the small marsh near by and moss. Tiny birds chirped up in the bare tree limbs. My son was walking quite a bit further ahead of me as I was enjoying the natural view and peacefulness...feeling the burn in my leg muscles...and ok I was also texting a friend for a visit tomorrow....
But all in all a very pleasant experience.
We ended up by a lake and a park where metal kids toys littered the grounds. I swung from a few bars and jumped on a few bouncy contraptions. Quite a bit different type of playground than when I was a young girl. I suppose most women and men my age wouldn't think of playing around kids toys for  a giggle or two. So...Hi. Nice to meet you, I am young at heart and I can still do things and squeal "Look what I can do"...of course I am always laughing at myself and there wasn't many people around to see me be goofy! Haha.
On the way back. I was taking a few cell pics of natures structures. I find beauty and art in natural things. I saw this wall of crumbling dirt and rocks exposing all the tree roots that grew above it. I thought of how we look at our lives
 Some look at themselves and see their lives dissolving and withering with not much left to desire. Feeling the aches and pains of everyday living. .feeling kind of dead inside and over-exposed.
Doesn't that sound drastic and an awful way to be?
Some of us (includes me-yay) see our lives as coming into new chapters of our own book. We have the excitement of living new stories to tell and write down. Some days, yes, they can be a big old bummer! But we always know we awake to new days- to reboot, redefine and express how that chapter will end. And- in the end, we can hopefully get ourselves published in the book of life! And our books to be shelved for others to read and be inspired from, in the 'feel good' section.
So on that note, I will continue to crawl out of my hole if I get stuck on a bummer day, get off my hindside ......
.....Step out of the forest and see through the tree's in my way and live La vie en rose'
............see 'happy' through rose colored glasses. I've made my mind up to live with a spark in my heart! It's good for the cardio-right?!
                                                                Peace out my friends of the world~

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