Sunday, January 25, 2015

Strange beliefs growing up

I was walking around this morning on my usual route, burning off energy and taking a few random cell pictures of the sun and other weather related subjects. I seem to have a fascination with taking pictures of the sun and its rays. I always thought it was God shinning down on me. Whenever I would see rays hitting the ground off in the distance, I would think "well God is doing some work over there, I wonder what's going on?" Yes I have a healthy faith. But this was just how my little mind would work at figuring out nature, etc. Quite an imagination I suppose. I, to this day think it would be nice to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I picture in my mind the lucky charms guy standing guard over it; constantly moving it when anyone got too close. Pretty silly, right?! Absolutely. Well here are some more weird thoughts I had growing up.
I thought when there was a meteor shower, little souls of babies were being sent to the earth from heaven, to be put in tiny bodies in mommy's tummy's to be born.
I thought that there were some dolls that would come to life when you were sleeping and move about...this was- and still is very creepy to me! Thanks funny, funny brother for giving my sister and I those night terrors!!. *smiling*
I love weather. I'm a bit of a nerd that way....maybe  I should have become some kind of weather girl or analyst or etc......
 Anyway-I love watching the original scary movie of the' Fog'. It really creeps me out for some bizarre reason. I think something sinister resides in the rolling thick fog. ( yet I love the fog-go figure..)
Maybe I like the adrenaline rush of being scared?? I can't quite figure myself out on this one. The movie is actually a bit corny....Maybe its the unknown in the fog at first, then seeing the gross costumes and make-up effects of the dead people from the ocean slithering out of the fog; along with the sound effects/creepy music to exaggerate the experience. Kind of like what they do in the Jaws movie every time you see or expect the shark to pop up then....Boo! you know?! haha.  Music is a very stimulating art form.
When I was in my pre-teens, I used to live in a century old farm house that was haunted in Monroe, Washington. ( that's for another blog day, hehe) Sometimes I would think that there were bats flying around in my room at night....Oh, wait....that really did happen!! AHHHHHH!
My father, a Seattle policeman would run around the house with a fishing net and catch them in mid-flight, take them outside and shoot them with his service revolver. ( there were more than Id like to think- rabid bats in the area back then, so don't feel like he was cruel to flying creatures. It was a safety issue) Watching him from a mostly closed door was actually a bit comical- By the way, did I express I am deathly afraid of bats?! My family and some friends can testify to how unglued I am when I see them!! Needless to say, I learned to keep my unscreened window closed after dark. That kind of took the fun out of jumping out of the window at night to sneak into town and hang out with friends in remote areas..
Needless to say, there wasn't much to do in that little no-where town except ride my horse and hang with friends...
I was shy when I was young, but I wasn't no angel. Live and learn I did.
I realize that the weird little things I used to believe in, was bizarre, childish and kind of funny really.
 But if you think about it, you believed in some strange things while growing up...maybe you wouldn't admit it now....but you know
  it made things interesting.....Right?
Gives you something to laugh at now. It's healthy to laugh at yourself. I do it all the time!
Thought Id share a little bit of my quirky self growing up.
From my part of the world- inside my evening thoughts
Peace out~

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