I decided last Monday to go for an extended power walk into town because I totally relaxed too much on my holidays....you know, the disregard of enough exercise, putting too many sweet delicious food items in my face...etc., etc...etc.!! oie~ ( although I did better this year around-I'm a work in progress)
It is a couple miles into Newport from where I live and a few miles from one end of three different districts, to the other. You have the Bay front district, where you have amazing sea food- Mo's makes the best clam chowder in the world. You have fresh fish and crab right off of the boats from the pacific and Alaskan waters. You have the large pod of sea lions singing a sailors tune. And various attractions and shops. It's also the place to be during the fourth of July. Amazing firework's, music and festivities. The folks here are very friendly.
Then there is South beach, which is located on the other side of the bridge. It is where you'll find the Pirates Cove. An unusual place to shop. I'll just say its fun and unique. This is also where NOAA resides, the amazing Coast Guard and the Oregon Aquarium. The Aquarium lights in December is always good family fun. Besides, it Santa's favorite place to stop and say hi to everyone!!!
Of course we have the Hwy 101 corridor that has good shopping and some good places to eat. Mostly mainstream...if you know what I mean~
Anyway, the district I love to wonder through is called the Nye beach district. I'm a bit of an Art nut and I like to investigate what people are calling art these days. Some forms are amazing and keep you looking, smiling and pondering- other stuff leaves you scratching your head thinking "wait, what was that??"
I believe Art is whatever evokes an emotion inside you. I believe everyone has their own consciousness of what art is.
(in one of the shop windows)
I am tempted to stop by and kick my feet up and enjoy a cold beverage, eat some good fresh cooked food from one of the Bistros that line the area. But to me that would be negating my effort to whittle down some extra calories. So I stick to my water and gum. I am no fun! haha
Instead I keep walking and enjoying the people I come in contact with that ask me if I'm from around here or need directions or just want to share warm friendly thoughts with me. I take it upon myself to blast a good smile and also to use my slight sense of humor when responding. I so enjoy seeing how long it will take me to get someone in a happy mood-get someone to laugh when I can see it in their face they need it. It's like I want to conquer the blues :) . When someone goes out of their way to make me smile or laugh, it refreshes my soul and makes me feel blessed when I feel bummed.
I value the opportunity to try and do the same for others. Smiles are contagious! I have a long distance friend who agrees with this and he shared with me he feels that everyone needs to see as many smiley faces in their day as possible. Now there's a man who gets me!
This is a little cement bench to sit on, off the side of the sidewalk by the old bricked four way stop in the middle of the district. Maybe there for people watching. Although its kind of welcoming and a bit rustic, I wouldn't sit on it because of the moss...and well, I'm kind of a neat-freak....lol ( now you know another little secret about me)
I am enjoying the sunshine in the winter time. I feel for those on the East coast being hit by a big snow storm. I wish I could send them some of our weather. Don't get me wrong, I do like the wintery snow to play in for a few days. Sometimes, some years, it actually snows enough here to enjoy that. But I am a creature of moderate temperatures ( and I admit I like a good thunder and lightning.... high wind storm at times) I love my sunshine. I like to be outside. I like to deep breath the sea salt air which is a natural inflammatory for your respiratory system. Health fact of the day-right?!
And that's where I end up. On the beach, by Nye beach district. I did have a bit of a trek home. But I thought I would hang here a while and drink in all this beauty and enjoy the sound of the waves hitting the shore. This to me is the best and most natural Art of the area. I appreciate it every chance I get.
Wouldn't you?
Peace out~
Go out and put your smile on!