Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I'm in the Christmas frame of mind-Help!

It's not even December yet-Heaven HELP ME! Hahaha~
 We haven't experienced a first snow ( if you live in a seasonal area), we haven't had Thanksgiving either! But this morning, when I awoke from my Tuesday night slumber...I suddenly got the "Christmas frame of mind"-syndrome!!! I think I am out of my gourd feeling so warm and magically joyous so early. Wanting to smell peppermint and cinnamon coated pinecones...smelling warm baked goods and a fir tree; decorating that tree in my living room. Putting up fun festive decorations...hanging frosted snowflakes from the ceiling over my dining table. And then there is this fat jolly man, who is a made up character of wonderment in our imaginations.....tah-dahhhhh
Announcing, waaaayyyyyy too early in the season,  vintage cardboard Santa Claus! Ha! Or should I say HO!
Well, there he is, in all his pre-holiday glory, in a shop where the Christmas displays and decorations are set up right on cue....November 1st!!!! Ugh~ It seems to come earlier and earlier each year. And usually I get a little annoyed at the rushed holidays. Hmmm.
But something almost magical turned on, deep, deep inside of me over night. And I must admit, I'm really loving it. Thinking about all the lights, sights and smells that come during this winter season. The displays in the neighboring yards and people seem to be a little more happier and kind to each other during this time of year.
 My sister really love the nutcrackers...(as I sit here remembering past times)
I used to take my sons to he nutcracker suite ballet every year in Seattle, Washington. We would get all dressed up, go out to eat at a nice restaurant and go hit the live show-when they were young. They grew up... and out of wanting to go.. (major bummer)but I still have fond happy memories...
I am not really into the gift giving aspect of Christmas (but I still do it for friends and loved ones without over-doing it) I am all about the warm fuzzies~
 The love and the fun~
 The helping others out with a smile-spreading some joy and laughter~
 The remembering of the real reason of the season~
 My main joy-my Savior.
(Whether you believe or not...I do. He poured out so much love on us, why would you turn your back on that??? I don't know...pondering, pondering...)
 Just be full of love-charity during this holiday season.
It's a free gift we can all give, right?! It cost nothing but a small bit of time on our parts.
I challenge you- to see how many people you can cause to smile or giggle out of giving a kind word, or a small kind deed for someone in need, or a funny face or positive type tease. Or just shooting a sweet happy smile towards someone who has a grumpy or sour look on their face...just so you can be the 3 second bright spot in their daunting day.
What do you say? Are you up for the challenge?
Spread the holiday magic around, starting now! Why wait until Christmas...
Peace out~ my rays of earthly happy magic- this winter

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