Friday, November 20, 2015

Baby it's Cold Outside! It's Full Fall Time~

What does one do when cabin fever sets in? On my day off I was mentally twisting in my home, feeling a bit melancholy, kind of blue. We had just gone through a two day storm as we tend to get here in the off season. I had not gone on a regular walk/run in such a long time. I knew the answer to my feeling 'blah' was to bolt out the door with my Ipod blaring my mood enhancing music in through my mutant ninja turtle earbuds! Yep, you heard that right! Stepping outside of my front door I felt the chill in the air. Although it stopped raining, the ground was wet and the fog was lingering in dotted areas. I set off...crossing Hwy 101 into the neighborhood where many take walks in the summertime. But now- oooh like the old song says, "baby it's cold outside" !

I walked and sprinted through my normal rounds, through the neighborhood, I decided to extend my exercising to my second route. ( I have a few routes I go on to mix it up-to not get bored) I found that there were areas on my path that were a bit flooded over. Instead of getting discouraged or frustrated enough to turn around and head back; I squatted down and kept silent. I immersed my sense of vision, hearing and smell to my surroundings. I breathed in the damp woodsy aromas permeating the moss covered brush and trees. I heard the running.. the trickling of the water that rushed over the asphalt covered path- down into the muddy grass and over the hillside into a small creek that runs parallel to the path. Many tiny birds were singing...chirping to each other, possibly taking about the strange human crouching on the walkway being still... who knows...right?!
-eh, it made me smile anyways~

I stepped around the deep part of the water, finding a way to hop around without getting my shoes wet. It was way to chilly to be walking around in wet shoes!!! Brrr. No thank you~
I made my way down those dripping wet stairs, being carful not to slip on the green moss slim that covered parts of them. I made my way to the beach...and to my surprise...I had the whole beach to myself! No one else dared to go out and breath in the salty crisp air as I had. Such a serene feeling it was. So beautiful, so "Namaste" honestly cannot stay down in the dumps with all your senses being forced alive like this. The pounding of the waves, white crested tops as they arose from the deep sea- curling and crashing down-pushing the water to the shore. Many seagulls were bathing in the waves...just as calm as can be in all the power of the waters swirling around them. It was a sight to see.
I spent some time just enjoying my music as I put my earbuds back in my ears. I walked bent over in my special spots looking for agates and other pretty rocks. ( I know where all the good places are! Ha!!) Sea treasures~
I spent much more time just sitting on logs and watching the clouds roll by and the gulls play and just not thinking about my life, my stresses my responsibilities...I just meditated on "being where I was in the moment"
 I let myself be calm.
 I let myself be still.
 I let myself be 'ok'.
I needed that-everyone needs that at times.
On my way home, the sun tried to come out-it kept peeking through the billowy clouds. I was feeling a bit more positive about my blessings instead of feeling like burying my head under my pillow in bed to try and make my day go away. I think cloud watching is a good way to 'light up' some of those good old endorphins in your brain. Natures feel-good prescription! God's pharmacy. Brings only wonderful side-effects. The cost is free-just takes a little energy to go outside and look up and around.

Even though the Fall season is well under way, (some may be experiencing winter-like weather, some even have a bit of warm weather still, ugh, poor you) I think everyone has rough days to themselves. Force yourself to go out, if you can...soak up some natural environment. Everyone, at least, can go out and look up. there is sky-sky is just about infinite...past it is the universe. Ponder and marvel at that.
Peace be with you, remember to stay warm and healthy.

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