Thursday, August 6, 2015

Homemade Edibles-a lost art

It's that time again for me! I can my famous ( at least family members, friends and neighbors tell me so :)  )     *** BLACKBERRY SEEDLESS JAM.***
I do it every year. I've had many years of 'tweaking' the recipe to get it just right. Full of flavor and purely organic...not to mention low sugar. (you got to have some sugar but you don't have to overdue it) No High fructose corn syrup/sugars or artificial sweeteners which are poison to your system!!
That statement is my own personal  yet educated opinion~
I used to think that not many people canned their own food anymore, that it was a dying art. I was wrong!!! Many can food for storage and its the most healthy way to live...if you have the time to do it. It's a lot of work!!
I just kept to my Jam, because while my kids were growing up..  they ate a lot of PB&J and my options of what was at the stores kept getting worse.
Now every year, I get knocks on my door asking when I am going to be making more and if they can be top of the list! How that makes me feel good!!!!
 There are other things I bake during the holidays that are special- homemade pastries, pies, cinnamon rolls, cookies, etc. that I share with those I love and request them. But now is my Blackberry Jam debut ~
Sending my family members and their friends out to make sure I have plenty of berries to work with..

 Of course, part of the fun is eating them right freshly picked off the vine.....
So if you want to be a part of my group that gets canned Jam or tasty treats at the holidays, I'm afraid you'll have to live next door, or be a family member or a really- really  good friend with a sweet smile to melt my heart ;)
I best get busy~
I respect all of you who go to all "canning highs" - doing it yourself for the betterment of your families health and happiness!
Peace out

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