Sunday, August 30, 2015

Art in the Eye of the Beholder

Have you ever gone to an art show?.... of any kind? Lets face it, there are times when we have looked at "art" and thought to ourselves- "who are they kidding!!"
Art is in the eye of the beholder-right? And I have beheld many things that I don't consider art.
A few of my old high school friends and I had the pleasure of spending a day in the sleepy little place called LaConner, Washington last year. We happened upon a little art museum and decided to go inside and check it out. What can I say......except "wait..what? You call that art??" I was not rude about it, because I realize there are people who can appreciate it as such. But all it was- literally- was trash arranged in a simple pattern on the floor. We are talking bottle caps twist ties, pieces of scrap paper..etc. Now, I'm not an art critic, but I am critical of what I perceive as art. So basically, I am very opinionated! HA! It was very hard to keep a straight face on- through the whole thing.
If you love this kind of work, or even create it- my sincere apologies- I just don't get it. I would gladly listen to anyone who wants to try and enlighten me on this type of "art"~
I, myself, love renaissance works.
 I love many different forms of art. I've dabbled in a little bit of distortion art myself. I love painting nature and even was taught to do faces. ( something that was always difficult for me to do) Trust me, I am my own worst critic!!
I have a dear longtime friend, Maria who has always been an amazing artist. Seems to be second nature with her. I admire that ability. Some people were just born with the gift. I do it for pleasure.
I had the opportunity to go inside a "real" museum in Edinburgh, Scotland. As I stood there in each area of the tall walls covered in the beauty and creative influence's of each painter piece; I was in awe. I'm sure my mouth was gaped open and I must have looked like I had just seen a piece of heaven.
Here is another more unrefined type of expressive art form. Graffiti~

I'm not for destroying private property-absolutely wrong to do that. But there are places out there that are set up for just this kind of expression. Usually done by youth. I don't condone profanity or degrading man or women...But many can express themselves in a natural positive way that sometimes gives a message. I can appreciate the deep colors and the intertwining of each piece.  I found this cement structure...what was left of it, decaying, looking a bit ugly at the top of a cliff by the ocean.
 Many have transformed it into a big expression of themselves.

I feel that in order to call something a work of art, it has to evoke an emotion inside of you. You have to feel the piece. Whether it be a warm fuzzy good feeling, sad or angry me, that is what makes a piece worth pondering over and admiring.
It doesn't cost anything to open your eyes and look at everyday things and try and find the uniqueness in different material forms. I can find art on the beach, in the sky, in nature....and one of my favorites- in old architecture.
There is nothing I want to get across in this post except to don't be afraid to express your own feelings of what you are seeing. Don't be a follower in perceiving authentic to your thoughts- express (in positive form) yourself~
Peace out my friends~

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