Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Warm St. Patricks Day Cheer

St. Patrick's day is quite an enchanted time-when the winter's chill starts to transform into the budding warmth of the spring day. With Irish ancestors, I am drawn the visit Ireland soon- in my near future. I went on a trip back in '95, to London, Scotland and Wales. Part of my heritage is also Scottish and Welsh.  ( Norwegian and Swiss on my dads side) Romantically, I have been very close to my Celtic side. I am doing some deeper family history and hope to find the clan I am related too before I go to my ancestral stopping grounds. I have a dream of finding some long distant relatives to connect with. Who better to get the true 'non-tourist' type Irish experience from?

On a walk a while ago, I found a three leaf clover growing tandem/hugging an interesting mushroom. I thought, how cool would it be if it were an actual four leaf clover? My thought process, being that of a strange-creative-artsy person, I decided to create my own luck. Aren't 4-leaf clovers suppose to be lucky? So are Leprechaun's, but what are the chances of me coming across one of those- right?! haha
And so I did create!.......
Instead of waiting for that special moment to happen, instead of hanging out patiently for something sweet and interesting to unfold in my life...I make my own kind of simple magic to give me a giggly smile, simple fun and simple happiness! Oh sure I have those spontaneous, "farout- way cool" moments that come naturally. It doesn't happen when I'd like it too unfortunately! Bummer... But I don't think I really care :)  Life is just fun when I play with what's in front of me ...when appropriate, of course.
~At the end of this particular walk, mid-day, I noticed brother moon was impatient with the sun and had decided to rise before his time. Maybe the moon was trying to get his fifteen minutes of fame chasing the brilliant fire of sister sun...haha
Yes, this was the little story I was telling myself at the end of my walk. I was in an interesting mood after creating my clover master piece  :) making everything a bit magical. I am a complex thinker, a multi-tasker, an artist, a writer of the different....yet, it doesn't take much to make me happy. I'm easy to please. I live for a smile, a laugh, a kind word....I live for love. Things that don't cost. These are the things I love to give to those in my path. Ok, enough sappiness! My Irish eyes are shinning this St. Patrick's day. I shall were my green lucky charms shirt and my green decked out derby hat. I shall top it off with the biggest smile and a laughing heart. One of my favorite quotes that describes me well:

                                           A proper Irish blessing to my readers~
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind always be at your back,
May the sunshine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hands.

Peace out~

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