That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all.....a bit of Emily Dickinson
Have you noticed that some days are like a living poem? When you can step back from yourself, in the moment and focus on what is happening in your realm? That is a bit of a dramatic word for what I am trying to convey, but I'm sure you get my drift~
Most of the time I think most of us are so busy with life and multi-tasking, that we forget to stay in the here and now. Breath in and really "see" what is happening around us-ponder what your little part of the moment is unfolding.
I had almost forgotten to do this...until I walked out of my room where I was sorting through some clothing that I sell at a friends designer-resale clothing store in town; when I came out into my living room where my son and my granddaughter ( his niece) were watching a movie together. She was laying comfortably on his leg, all stretched out and comfy. My sons dog of many years perched up on his lap happy as can be. There they were just enjoying time together as two family members, laughing, relaxing with no cares from the outside world. Enjoying each moment. Making a warm happy memory.
I stood for a while in the background and breathed it all in with my mind. It was something I could draw from memory down the road- witnessing a good and bonding time between two people who have my heart. Wait..3, I kind of love that old dog too~ old man Chalupa !
Like a poem that flows on the page, sometimes rhyming- or a sonnet that gives your mind imagery, using metaphors that express a situation and brings emotion to our souls. I see moments in my life that I think plays out this kind of sweetness in my heart.
My sister used to write deep emotional poetry. She even won an award from a New York poetry contest long ago. Although she has passed over a year ago, I still can read the poetry she left behind and get a glimpse of her world as she stepped back and breathed in her realms.
What a precious gift our minds are. If we keep letting in the wonder, warm tender and even hilarious moments inside ourselves and create our own poetic understandings of them; maybe we can blot out any sadness or rough edges that can sometimes plague our memories.
I really love to step out on my second story balcony after a hard rain and listen to the soft sounds of wee little birds in the trees-its a renewing sound to me. I see droplets of water still clinging to the undersides of the moss riddled branches close enough to reach out and touch. To me, this is in my here and now present poetry of nature and my creators calming, just for me. A very "Namaste' " kind of feeling.
Of course I cherish the moments that make me laugh and smile so hard I think my face will crack and explode! I have to admit, I do tend to laugh a lot. Life- its just too short not to get as much bone-tickling, giggle until you almost wet yourself fun out of it! Sometimes you have to go out and find that kind of merriment....turn that kind of poetry into a Limerick! Have fun once in a while with your day. Keep it on a good positive wave is enough without creating trouble!
Have I gotten you brain fluids flowing yet?
"I love my world. I get to share it with you ! "
Peace out~