Thursday, October 8, 2015

Mental Health

Having good mental health can infer many different aspects. I am about to share a simple 'free' way of natural mental health I practice almost every day. For the person that has a relatively normal day and evening, day after day after day...ugh! Enough of the monotony already...haha.
 Seriously, even when things don't go so smoothly- as life will smack you upside the head at times; you need something to even out the days 'vibe'. You need to flood your senses with beautiful, mostly natural things, sounds and smells. ( smells must be natural-canned sprays do not apply!!) It can be the soft happy loving voice of a child or loved one. Their smiles, a giggle, a happy verbal thought sent your way -in your space. But since I live alone at this point ( although family lives close by if I need a loving person "fix" ) I find my "mental health medicine/therapy" outside.
I find it in the tree's, plants, waters that flow boundlessly around my area. I hear animals making sounds, like the birds singing, the wind blowing, the gurgling of the rain pouring around me at times. I love walking! period. I love seeing new things and new colors as the seasons bring. I love seeing architecture in buildings and homes as I pass. I make up little stories in my mind about what wonderful lives people are living inside. Most of the times I like to think of funny things, because I sure do love to laugh and smile ALOT~
It's really quite fun in my head. Ha! I try to live in the best positive thought structure I can possibly conjure up. The conjuring part comes when I'm grasping at anything to turn a bad situation tolerable. I have been told I'm a really good problem solver, a productive multi-tasker . I guess that's what made me a decent social worker. It was /is one of my blessings in life.

I really like when I get to travel around. Near or far, I love to see things and take in the uniqueness in certain things. Can you smell the woodsy-ness and damp moss up along these rustic stairs. And where do they lead too?

An elaborate treehouse in the deep woods. It almost would make me feel like one of the lost boys from the peter pan movie. It brings out the kids-like qualities in my thinking. How fun would this be to stay here with a few good friends just enjoying the weekend?! Truth or dare anyone??

I love to see wildlife anywhere I go. I especially love owls. They are so interesting to watch. How they move and their eyes are sooo.. hypnotic! ( this is a pic of a rare owl-would love to see one in person)
So here's to finding ways to keep your everyday mental health in check. It's all about finding your calm and centeredness. Letting go of what's negative, hurtful and plain exhausting. It's also to give you purpose out of the boredom and depressions of life. We all need a kick to become re-awakened once in a while. We need a reason to know what's real and worth it.
 With my faith- and understanding of my faith, I know "why" I'm here on earth. But sometimes I need to have a reminder and a joy while I am here doing my 'thang'!!!! smile
Peace in~and out~

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