Friday, July 10, 2015

Clown-Around Fun Time

I know, its been a little while since I've posted !! Life was getting a little overwhelming the last couple of weeks. I pretty much said ''yes" to everyone's requests who needed me. I like people to feel that they can come to me and ask for help, etc. and know I will do my best to accommodate. I hate to say 'no' to a needful plea. There are many people who are kind and do the same.
Through all of this mad-running around, trying to get it all done...the only way I was able to come out still smiling and not totally wore out, was to make things keep it light!
I'm telling you, there were times when I could have let frustrations and stress make my tasks down right unbearable! But then I would have made my time and all those around me miserable. 'Nnnnnnnnot' going to happen. Instead, I just take a deep breath and start giggling! I might even throw in a good natured quip of sarcasm pertaining to my mental exhaustion or the situation I'm dealing with at that moment. I seem to find my second breath to continue on; usually making whomever I'm with feel lighter and happier-and that makes me even more energized in a positive way. It's like hitting a reset button on your nerves, energy and thought process. It helps me remember that It was a *gift* that I was asked to help out because I have their respect and confidence. I feel like other people have more faith in me than I do myself. I am definitely a work in progress :)
 It is a very humbling way of life. One that I am so very thankful for.
I have a very interesting bunch of family and friends. Most are as crazy as I am (in a positive way)
If someone sees I am getting down or stressed...leave it to them to get silly /funny, to help pull me out of my descent into grumpiness~

That is one of the reasons I love all of them dearly. Family-near and far, friends-near and far.

Life has never been real easy for me, I'm sure many know what that is like. But like good old Abe Lincoln said " we are as happy as we make our minds up to be" Now that is pretty basic common sense ! I try to take it one step further and try to make rough situations funny, smile worthy. (appropriately)
I am not a clown by no means, but I do believe in trying to keep things light when it gets helps me to remember the negative situation will pass, and with a little prayer help, I will find a way to make it through the day and hopefully shine some light on others that need a boost.....
There is too much sadness and stress etc. in the world today- I don't want to add to it!! I am very far from being perfect, but if I can plant a tiny seed of 'clown' in you -so you may go out tomorrow and make someone else's day go better, happier- then yay me and you! :)
. A long distance friend of mine who lives in Utah, reminds me ever so often to keep smiling -I say the same to him. Now if you can get others to smile and laugh in their daily tasks....Id say your ahead of the game!! Go you!!!
Enjoy your week, don't let life tear you down. You were born a creative, worthy of happiness and some silliness, wonderful human being.
                                                                      Peace out- my circus of new clowns
                                                                      Be happy, be kind~

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