Monday, June 8, 2015

Ghosts in my Head

Reflecting ~
I've been doing a lot of that lately. It seems like when a major event happens in my life, people...'ghost memories', come flooding back- permeating my thoughts. People that I had not thought about in many years. Locked away deep in the back of my brain. Then something happens and 'boom' another ghost is unleashed. It flies around the space between my ears and begins to allow seepage of  other memories that go along to that certain person in my past. It just slowly filters through. Some good recalls, some I tried hard to forget.
 Experiencing this can be good...or not so much. I'm not sure why it works this way except to say I believe God opens up these 'ghostly forgotten people memories' and puts them in our path because they need to be there for our betterment in some unknown way- at that exact time; for our future. There is a rhyme and reason for it.
Maybe its an unresolved old situation that needs tending too. Sometimes its just that you need that person there again because of some sort of care you may need in the future, or maybe its time for you to reconnect because they are who you need at that point in life for love, (feeling not physical) companionship, or just a needed friend you can lean on in your life at that time and forever more. Someone who will laugh with you, hold you up when your feeling blue or just to hug you without any words.
These 'ghost' people are there for a reason. You just need to be quiet in the moment and listen and watch where it all goes. Whether you reconnect with them or if its someone who you lost-that they passed on, I believe there is a purpose for each such ghost to reveal itself after a long sleep in your head. Who knows, maybe you need to connect with them because 'you' are just what they need in their lives at that time-its all in Gods timing. Even if you don't believe, you know that there is some kind of substance going on in those situations.
Question is, do you figure it out while going forward, or do you turn a blind eye on any kind of positive prompting? Do you let an opportunity go away? Do you trust going one more step forward and see where it takes you?
Maybe we should all exercise some ghosts when they are wanting our attention...
Peace and calm to all your thoughts when acted upon.
May you connect with many wonderful positive ghosts in your journey and be forgiving with the rough hurtful ones~

A comrade strums on a sad guitar,
My mind is drifting to where you are,
Remember Me

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