I'm not strong all the time!!! Sometimes I would love a soft place to fall, someone to step up and say "Hey, I'll take over from here for a while, so you can rest and gain your balance."
Do you ever feel like getting up in the morning only to want to crawl 'under' your bed and disappearing for a few days?
Do you ever feel so overwhelmed with life you just want to find a comforting light in the distance to help guide you out of your turmoil? Sometimes that turmoil is not as bad as it seems, it's just that you are so wiped out everything just gets so exaggerated.
As I was going into town a few days back, when it was dusk, to lock up my mothers house by the beach; I decided to go to a quiet spot that overlooked the pacific sea and took in the sunset and the ocean air. Feeling quite low, still, I just stood there and was silent.... physically and spiritually.
A grand- peaceful feeling came over me and my 'blueness' lifted away from me. The beautiful sunset, with colors of orange and blues and yellows...the warm soft lightly salty air blew around me gently. The few billowy clouds floated in wispy shapes over my head.
My word!!!!! What do I really have to be blue about? I live here...I have all this magic and beauty at my disposal. I was so wrapped up in life's whirlwind, I couldn't see what was right in front of me! I had forgotten my own advice- to take the time to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. The things that give us peace, pleasure and fun in the most natural, organic way. Even the best of us get off balance~
I had the pleasure of spending time with two interesting young men this evening, friends, who shared some insights and revelations on spiritual topics. It's interesting how you can hear different views of the same subject and that it brings you closer to an amazing deeper understanding of it- it turns out to be the very thing you needed to hear. It helps you make sense out of your 'blue period'. They made a liar out of me tonight- they made me tear up, I couldn't talk for a minute because my feelings were exposed and sitting on top. I'm not a crier!
Could my iron wall be coming down a little? Is it ok to be a little emotionally vulnerable to the things that mean the world to me??
For me, it's personal.
Like a towering lighthouse that sits upon a rock- a ridge that boarders the ocean waters, whether calm or turbulent seas...it is built solid, and you know it is sturdy and has a purpose for all those out there who need a light to give them direction and keep them safe...
.....That is what I get out of my faith. It's solid and I know I'm loved and not alone and guided and even forgiven when I need to be. It keeps me going forward and gives me comfort and purpose. But that is me~ And I wouldn't have it any other way for myself......
You may have a different perspective of life, and that's ok. We all have to come to our own understandings. But we all want to find a light in our darkness. We all have times that we need guidance for our betterment....no matter how far off the light may seem, its there, you just need to go outside somewhere, hopefully near nature... be still, breath slowly and look around you...
All of this just didn't get there by chance....ponder that. Find your light
Peace out and be happy~